Hello homepage people. This is a site with photos of paintings.

The web is 100 years old and we are taking photos of paintings. How lame. We should be able to send you a painting that you can touch and feel through your screen. This seems more important than smell-o-vision.

My name is MoMo

I like cheese, walks, and painting. I used to like golf. Now I hate it. If you talk to me about golf I will get really sad. Ask me my golf story about that one time. It was fun.

My name is Ollie

I like walks even more than my Dad. He only walks to lose weight… LAME! My favorite thing to non walk do is to ice walk. It’s like dancing on ice but walking instead. Ask me about ice walking or my take on dogs with jobs.

My name is Lin

I want to walk the tomorrow that never comes. I am greaaaat! Did you know I can dance better than any fool alive? Don’t test me. I will school you on my slide whistle. Ask me about my VR gaming rig. It has 120 Gigaflops.


STAY TUNED AND LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR THAT BELL on YouTube(s). This is a joke since videos for paintings would make just about as much sense as uploading a picture of a painting. How silly would that be?