My first painting.

I am going to be painting a series of four paintings for the entryway of my house. This is the first attempt at painting #1 below.

In order to be clever I am also picking a season for each tree/person. The season doesn’t indicate the person’s personality or how I feel about them.

Ollie you are vibrant, colorful, and youthful. Your overwhelming cheer carries you easily through each winter day no matter how cold it may be.

  1. Autumn – my wife’s name (fall)
  2. Linden Tree (summer)
  3. Olive Tree (winter)
  4. Momo Tree – Japanese peach (spring)

RATING: 1 Meh, my daughter didn’t recognize the tree in my painting as a as a tree :). The sky was a bit better than the rest.

VERDICT: needs improvement 🙂 work on blending and having more fun. Bolder brushstrokes may help.