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My Favorite Painting Channels on YouTube

I am pretty picky when it comes to paintings. My preference is a painting that is not perfect (you need to tell it’s a painting and not a…

Tutorials & Classes

Clouds Painting #4

I followed a YouTube tutorial for this painting. In this blending tutorial he uses a soft thick brush to do the blending. The brush he uses to paint…

2, Momo

Painting Tutorial – Wet on wet blending

Tutorials & Classes

Fall Tree Painting #3

A quick sketch. It looks so much better than my other paintings. I think it’s easier to have it stand out when it’s on a white background.

1, Momo

Fall Paintings Progression

A chronological list of all my attempts at a fall themed painting that are intended to represent my wife. It’s the first in a series of 4 paintings…

Momo, Progress Posts

Fall Tree Painting #2

My second attempt at this painting. The sky and grass were a bit more fun. I tried stroking and blending more aggressively. The tree is better than my…

2, Momo

Lighthouse Painting Ollie #1

7, Ollie

Fall Tree Painting #1

My first painting. I am going to be painting a series of four paintings for the entryway of my house. This is the first attempt at painting #1…

1, Momo